What is Hilltop Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)?

PTSA is an organization that advocates for the well-being and education of every child in our school and our community. At the state and national levels, PTSA advocates for children and schools with government bodies and other organizations. One of our goals this year is to have equal representation on our board and committees. We are hopeful that, with the help of our new VP of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Fatima Attia, we will be able to reach this goal.

Events & Activities

Hilltop PTSA sponsors various events and activities throughout the year. Some of these are social events that are intended to promote community, others to support teachers and parents, and others to raise funds that go directly to supporting academics.

Get Involved

Studies show that when parents are involved, student academic performance improves. Involvement in PTSA allows parents to become more familiar with the school, to know teachers and staff, and to meet other parents and students. You can be involved by coming to meetings, volunteering and participating in fundraising efforts.


When you join PTSA you have a voice and vote at PTSA meetings where you have opportunities to share your views and show your children that their school and their education is important.


All members gain access to our online PTSA directory to connect with other Hilltop families.

You also become a member of the Washington State PTSA and receive discounts to a variety of venues here in Washington. Join online or ask for a form in the Hilltop Elementary School office. Dues are $12 per adult and $9 per student membership.


The school and the PTSA thrive when parents support activities and events with their time and energy. Organizing activities, participating on committees - even working a shift at an event -every little bit makes a difference! To find out how you can help check out our website at www.HilltopPTSA.org or email us at Contact@HilltopPTSA.org

To volunteer on Hilltop campus, you must complete a background check online through Edmonds School District. COVID-19 vaccination status verification is required. 
Have more questions or concerns? Email the board at Board@HilltopPTSA.org.
Follow our Facebook page facebook.com/HilltopPTSA.
There is a also a community group on Facebook (NOT PTSA REGULATED) where you can connect with other Hilltop families. Check it out at: facebook.com/groups/HilltopPTSA

2022-2023 Hilltop PTSA Board

We look forward to seeing you at Hilltop!
Your 2023-2024 PTSA Board of Directors


OPEN, President

Michelle Collins, VP of Operations

Fatima Attia, VP of Diversity and Equity

Lenae Olson, Secretary

Emmy Bahr, Treasurer

Monisha Buddha, Staff Appreciation Chair

Manita Gurung, Membership Chair

Erin Smith & Kristina Parkhurst, Teacher Liaison

Kaytin Makin, Jen Bowman & Laura Pearson, Member at Large

www.HilltopPTSA.org          Contact@HilltopPTSA.org 

www.facebook.com/HilltopPTSA        www.facebook/groups/HilltopPTSA


  School Support Communication Community Fundraising
Volunteer Coordinator
Art Docent
Hilltop DUGS
Multicultural Potluck + Open House Night
Sunshine Committee
Staff Appreciation
School Grounds Clean-Up
Website Administrator
Food Drive
Back to School Events
Slush Around Town
Fall Carnival
Skate Night
Swim Night
Neon Glow Party
Mariners Game Night
Movie Night
Donuts with Grownups 
Amazon Smile
Fred Meyer Rewards
School Supplies
Cards for a Cause
Eat Outs
Fun Run
Basket Bonanza
Spirit Wear