Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Feb 2
Staff Appreciation Potluck (date TBD)
| Staff Appreciation Potluck (date TBD)
| Staff Appreciation Potluck (date TBD)
| ||||
4:30p PTSA Monthly Meeting
PTSA Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, February 12
4:30p - 6:00p
Hilltop Library
Become a PTSA Member!
Next Meeting:
Wednesday, February 12th
In the Hilltop Library
Meeting ID: 811 4509 3810
Passcode: 124256
Join Hilltop PTSA to be kept up to date!
ANYONE can join the meeting at any time and we welcome your input in discussions!!
New questions/suggestions may not be resolved at the current meeting, but may be noted and addressed at a later date.
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Check the Calendar for more dates
Opportunities | Timeframe | Questions? | Needed |
Board Position Interest (President (or Co-Prestident)) | - | Email Hilltop PTSA | 1 / Several Sign up |
Board Position Interest (VP of Programs & Events) | - | Email Hilltop PTSA | 0 / Several Sign up |
Miscellaneous Volunteer (Art Docent)School Support of Art Docent Program |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 2 / 27 Sign up |
Miscellaneous Volunteer (Picture day helper) | - | Email Hilltop PTSA | 3 / Several Sign up |
Miscellaneous Volunteer (I have an idea for an event/program!)We can always use new ideas! If you have an idea for a program or event you'd like to coordinate, select this option and someone will reach out to you with ways to partner with PTSA! |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 0 / Several Sign up |
Board Position Interest (Membership Chair) | - | Email Hilltop PTSA | 1 / Several Sign up |
Miscellaneous Volunteer (Miscellaneous)Are you up for anything? We'll email you whenever there is an upcoming opportunity. |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 11 / Several Sign up |
Board Position Interest (Secretary) | - | Email Hilltop PTSA | 0 / Several Sign up |
Board Position Interest (Staff Appreciation Chair) | - | Email Hilltop PTSA | 1 / Several Sign up |
Board Position Interest (Treasurer (or Co-Treasurer)) | - | Email Hilltop PTSA | 0 / Several Sign up |
Board Position Interest (VP of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) | - | Email Hilltop PTSA | 0 / Several Sign up |
Board Position Interest (VP of Operations) | - | Email Hilltop PTSA | 0 / Several Sign up |
Events Interest (Back to School Event Organization Team)Help set up by meeting at the south playground ready to move tables at 4PM on Friday Sept. 8th. ||||| Stay after 7pm to put things away. |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 2 / 10 Sign up |
Events Interest (Baseball Night Orginization Team)Spring 2024 |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 2 / 3 Sign up |
Events Interest (Auction/Raffle Organization Team)Spring. Basket Bonanza is a raffle where classes create a basket and families buy a ticket in hopes of winning their favorite! |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 3 / 5 Sign up |
Events Interest (Campus Clean-up Help)Plan TWO clean up events Fall:Late August or Early September Spring: April Bring Your Gardening Gear! Join us for Popsicles + Lemonade at Hilltop's End of Summer Grounds Clean Up! |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 3 / 15 Sign up |
Events Interest (Parent Appreciation Organization Team)Donuts with Grown Ups, Pastries with Parents. |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 2 / Several Sign up |
Events Interest (Fall Festival Organization Team and Support)There are multiple ways to participate in the Fall Festival. If you attended last year, you may remember what a production it was and can imagine how many volunteers we need to make next year’s festival a success. Ideally we would like to have a 10-12 person committee that would be broken up into smaller subcommittees such as, decorations, vendor coordination, food, marketing, etc. The subcommittees would work in coordination with the committee chair and meet weekly (tentatively Monday evenings) via zoom starting in September. We will also need, day-of volunteers (set-up, booth attendants, clean-up, etc.), behind the scenes/at home admin work such as sorting tickets or prizes, sorting and/or stapling promotional flyers, etc. If you are interested in participating, please indicate your preference of position when you sign-up. Time-frame: September-October |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 6 / 40 Sign up |
Events Interest (Fun Run Event Organization and Support)A team would work to plan the event During the day of the event, we will need people to: Pass out water to students as they run laps. | Mark laps as students run. | Sign up genius will come soon |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 8 / 30 Sign up |
Events Interest (Movie Night Organization Team)Spring. Choose a movie and work with PTSA and office manager to schedule a night where families can watch a movie in the gym |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 4 / Several Sign up |
Events Interest (Read-a-Thon Organization Team)Feb 2024 |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 0 / 3 Sign up |
Events Interest (Restaurant Nights Organization Team)Year Round. Once a month or every other month. Restaurants often give back to non-profits. The person in this role would reach out to restaurants and work with PTSA to schedule a few a year and create flyers to promote. |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 1 / 2 Sign up |
Events Interest (School Supplies Organization Team)Spring and August A coordinator would work with the current contact to coordinate dates for a school supply sale and through the end of the school year. Before School starts in the fall, volunteers would meet up to sort the items into classrooms for distribution. |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 2 / Several Sign up |
Events Interest (Send Off to Summer Organization Team)May 2023 |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 0 / 6 Sign up |
Events Interest (Skate Night Coordinator)Year Round. Communicate with Lynnwood Bowl and Skate to schedule school skate nights. Create flyers to communicate with families. |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 1 / 1 |
Miscellaneous Volunteer (Slush Visits)Year Round. Who's in the Slush the Husky costume? It could be YOU! Slush can make appearances to assemblies, community events and at recess. |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 0 / Several Sign up |
Events Interest (Spirit Wear Organization Team)Help coordinate 2-3 spirit wear sales per school year. Work with current contacts at 2 companies to coordinate dates. For items shipped to the school these volunteers would meet up to sort the items into classrooms for distribution. |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 0 / 3 Sign up |
Events Interest (Summer Play Dates Organization Team)August 2024 |
- | Email Hilltop PTSA | 3 / Several Sign up |
Events Interest (Dance Organization Team)Spring Dance |
- | 1 / Several | |
Events Interest (Reflections Organization Team)The WA State PTA hosts an art recognition contest called Reflections yearly. Communicate details and encourage Hilltop Community participation. Assist students and parents with the entry submission process |
- | 0 / Several | |
Sponsorship (Local Business Sponsorship)Do you have a business or know of a business that would like to sponsor events through Hilltop PTSA? Opportunities may include tshirts for fun run, books for the read a thon, prizes for carnival, and more! |
- | 3 / Several |
Hilltop has created an Amazon wish list! Click here to view then make sure to "Remember" to be able to use your Amazon Smile account to give a percent back when you select Hilltop PTSA as your charity organization! |
This program makes fundraising easy by donating to Hilltop PTSA based on the shopping you do every day. Once you link your Card to an organization, all you have to do is shop at Fred Meyer and swipe your Shopper’s Card. Here’s how it works: |
1. Create a digital account.A digital account is needed to participate in Fred Meyer Community Rewards. If you already have a digital account, simply link your Shopper’s Card to your account so that all transactions apply toward the organization you choose. 2. Link your Card to an Hilltop PTSA.1. Sign in to your digital account. 2. Search for your organization here. 3. Select the Hilltop PTSA from the list and click “Save”. 3. Your organization earns.Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service Center. |
Honest Mocha aspires to bring you Yemen coffee, Pearls of Yemen, from local farmers in Yemen to your household upholding fairness and transparency. Not only does this help benefit the farmers economically but also brings socio-economic reforms in the impoverished country by eradicating “qat” plantations (a narcotic plant).
Hilltop PTSA has partnered with Honest Mocha. Every purchase made will earn the PTSA a percentage of the sale. All you have to do is put “Hilltop PTSA” in the notes field when checking out to ensure the school gets the credit. |